Friday, May 22, 2009

Laos is cool

It's been a while I did not write anything but it is not because I did not like Laos. On the contrary my time there has probably been the best I had so far and the five posts below are meant to split all the things I really enjoyed in it (and avoid you getting completely bored with one super long post).

I really hope I can share a bit of what I have lived and that it will convince you that it is high time to put Laos on the map, especially while it is not too touristy and pretty "untouched".

I have put all the picture in just one album, it's mostly scenery so if it's not your cup of tea, just skip the pictures and read the posts.

Bangkok straight thereafter has been quite a shock after Laos and I will write a specific post about it. I realised that I went to South East Asia only because it was easy and I took it as a training for the countries that make me more excited (Japan, NZ and Argentina) but I love it so much that I look forward to the other destinations even more. I've already bought my Japanese phrase book and I also have my self-teaching book for Spanish.
Before that is the time of the PADI and then Flo and Greg with whom somehow everything started last year at the canyonineering week (where I realised that many people were traveling by themselves, so shy not me?) will join me in Thailand and we'll probably head for the islands and some beach activities.

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