Monday, March 30, 2009

Dalat, its surroundings and the easy riders

More than 3 weeks in Vietnam so far and the 3 days trip with motorbike guides (called Easy riders) finished to convince me this was a nice country. The negative impression of Hanoi (see with my European eyes instead of viewing it as a traveller) is totally erased and I really enjoy myself here.

Pity this is almost the end but there are 11 months and probably as many countries remaining to visit (from the original 10 I will probably add Bolivia and Peru following advice from other travellers). I still have more the feeling to be on vacations that on a world trip but many other people told me they had the same feeling at the start. When I go from countries to countries I will definitively realise.

The easy riders took me and my fellow traveller Jasmijn to the Central Highlands with the aim of showing us how locals live and to off-beaten tracks. Indeed, we haven't seen a tourist the last two days. Our guides were very nice and we could really speak about anything (including politics, the first time in this country). I really learned a lot and the landscapes were well worth it. Check the pictures called easy riders.

I have added also two new slideshows: Hue and Hoi An in "getting into Vietnam" (see post below) and "Jungle Beach" where I really relaxed. Jungle Beach, whom I heard on the road is basically a place far from the tourists spots where the water is blue like I had never seen with my own eyes before and where the important questions sound like :Do I go for a nap or for a swim? Furthermore they were very nice people and I ended staying 5 days instead of two.

Finally I want to show you the fashion I have started: the layer tan

Probably my next post will be once I am in Phnom Penh (it takes so much time to upload and put comments on piuctures) and luckily I will have beautiful pictures from the Mekong Delta.

Thanks for all your comments/messages/suggestions and sorry that I do not answer more. I hope I can share a bit this already great experience with you.


Anonymous said...

Hello Benjamin,
Je lis tes messages et regarde tes photos avec beaucoup de plaisir!
Quelle belle aventure.
J. from Le Mans

Anonymous said...

Presque un mois que tu es parti et tes commentaires et photos font déjà rêver... Merci!

Pas top le bronzage, il va falloir te prévoir une journée de plage pour rattraper le coup! Prends soin de toi, demandes a Jasmijn de te mettre de la crème dans le dos! ;-)

Bolivie et Peru... Pas sure que tu reviennes de l'autre côté de l'Atlantique un jour!

Bises, Pauline

Elodie said...

J'ai pourtant réfléchi à la question mais...non, je n'arrive toujours pas à comprendre comment tu as pu te prendre une marque de bronzage comme ça au milieu du dos


Anonymous said...

Hello Benjamin,

It's great to read that you are enjoying yourself.

Yes, I have also resigned. No, you have not convinced me to go travelling as well.

I'll stick to my initial plan to do a master course in geopolitics. I have just been to a conference in England and now I consider studying in London.

All the best during your world trip, I'll continue visiting your blog.

Warm regards from a former Dutch colleague!

PS: I like the name Jasmijn. Is she Dutch?

Unknown said...

Hey Benj,

Plus de trois semaines maintenant, et tu te sens encore en vacances ?!? alors qu'il te reste... oui, oui, onze mois ?
En tout cas, c'est super que tu en profites et que tu arrives à partager avec ceux qui sont loin toutes ces images et ces rencontres, tu te fais complètement vendeur de rêve....
QUi plus est c'est rassurant, you're still alive (et en bonne compagnie ;) )

Prends soin de toi, et surtout continue tes posts au fil du périple !


Jérémie said...

Héhé ! Ca a l'air sympa tout ça !
Continue à t'amuser.
Noémie est à Hanoi pour 6 mois, donc tu n'es pas le seul normand là bas :-).

