Friday, March 13, 2009

First week: Impressions

This is now a week that I left and I am still into the integration period (trying not to get screwed/scammed, getting my first words of Vietnamese, etc...): have a look at the album Vietnam: Hanoi and Halong Bay (upper right) for the pics and most of the comments.

The best so far has undoubtedly been the food: This is really excellent (springrolls or squid here are fantastic) ; first I stuck to restaurants only but now I try from time to time street shops: I never know what I eat but it is always good. Next time I'll take pictures.
One very nice thing I enjoy is bargaining. I never really thought I would like it but if you don't do it, they really screw you so bargaining becomes a game and sometimes I even go to shop just to see how I could get their first quote down.

The worst has been the hassling by taxis and motorbikes trying to give you rides all the time. With the backpack on, you look like the perfect target for them and it is even worse when you get off of any public transport.

I had the junior traveler experience last sunday when I had forgotten to change my clock from Hong-Kong time and because of that I was certain I did not have time to visit the Ho Chi Minh mausoleum whereas the locals told me I could do it. They must have taken me for a fool!!
Another mistake is the clothes I packed: I am equipped for a 30 degrees climate not a 15ish with lihgt rain but this is easily adjustable.

Since the weather has been too close to what I had in Amsterdam I'm going South to Hué et Hoi An in order to get the sun. I hope I'll be able to have pics with blue sky in the next post.


Clairette said...

Hi Benj,

I guess the drizzle and the mist are just there to make sure you do not get too much of a weather shock, as culture shock is probably already enough ;)

Great to see your photos, the backpack, the Fokker hihihi and the Halong bay in the mist (at least that's very orginal :))

Take care

Anonymous said...


I can start the ultimate countdown now:
{??}* days before Japan

* Please help, then I can update it myself hihi...


Anonymous said...

Salut Ben,

ça fait plaisir de voir que tu es bien arrivé et que tu commences magnifiquement ton périple.
Merci de nous faire partager ton voyage. Très jolies photos.

Bises. On pense bien à toi.

PS : avec toute cette humidité, tu as bien choppé un petit rhume non?
J'espère que tu as ton mouchoir!

Anonymous said...

Je ne vais manquer aucun épisode !!!
Bises from Le Mans

Anonymous said...

Hey Benj,

So how is the South??? Did you find some more sun?!!Do not be jealous, but here in Amsterdam we have some!

Such a shame that the weather was not good for Halong Bay and the mountains in the North...

Nice to see some pictures and your "backpacker" style :-)

Hope you're doing fine. Looking forward a new post with new pictures. Take care.