Saturday, June 26, 2010

Huayhash, my longest trek ever

After two weeks spent in Ecuador relaxing a bit after my 7 weeks in Colombia I set sight on Peru and its mountains this time after visiting the coast last February.

My first stop has been Huaraz, the mecca of trekking in Peru and a place I really enjoyed because I did a trek of 8 days around the cordillera Huayhash, classified as the second best trek in the world according to National Geographic.

During these 8 days we went through 9 pathes, all over 4,000 meters and our maximum was 5,050m for a mirador that gave us great views.
My at the path at 5,000m and the group

It was cold at night but the view of the snowy mountains and the stars were worth the cold (in the minus probably).

All in all I loved these 8 days and I really recommend you having a look at the photo album that for once I have uploaded at best resolution so you can enjoy similar views as I did.

I have no idea if this is really the second best trek in the world but for sure it gave me the feeling to trek more and I am now going in the direction of Cuzco to see the heritage of the Incas.


Anonymous said...

Benj, that's special!

So where next now? You have seen it all! :)


Valérie said...

Je savais que j'avais raté quelque chose en allant pas dans cette partie du pays (mais avec une entorse à la cheville, je pouvais pas me laisser tenter...).
Maintenant c'est sur, faudra que je retourne au Pérou !!!