Sunday, August 16, 2009

Concrete and waves game

Coolangatta is on the South of the famous Goald Coast, the place to be it seems for surfers.

I skipped Surfer's paradise because it seems to be just one more party place with many waves. But you can see it from Coolangatta and I find it really awesome from a distance. You would think this is a big city you are looking at it with all these big towers (I am 25 kms from it I assume)

Next to reading Into the Wild, learning Spanish (please do not write to me in Spanish yet I am only at lesson 14 out of 100 so I can hardly say or read anything) and sleeping my favourite activity on the beach is to look at the waves and try to understand.

Have you ever noticed how some waves are stronger than others and how some waves cancel each others strengths? Well, check it out next time because this is very interesting. So my game is to try to find out which one will be the next big one. I can stay quite a while doing it!!!
First you need something to measure the strength of the waves and this small "wall" will perfectly do
Now are the competitors (look how they show off, rolling their big tide)

But they won't make it because the lower tide going back to see denies them.

My conclusion so far is: the big waves can make it only as long as there is a weak one before (sounds like military conclusion). More watching and more conclusions soon on this.

The last thing that struck me is that, sadly, the coast is becoming concrete....following the example of Surfers paradise.

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